Friday, August 2, 2013

Who Are You? - Link-Up!

Today I'm linking up with Kimmy, cause I've got nothing better to do!  Ok maybe I do, but it probably won't get done.  Let's be honest...

List 20 random facts about yourself.
1. I've moved a ridiculous amount of times.  I lived in 3 states in the 4th grade, and went to 5 different elementary schools.  I'm not going to even go into how many times I've moved as an adult...
2. I have a big family: 4 sisters and 2 brothers.
3. I am a binge-eater.
4. I've had the chicken pox twice; once when I was a baby and again when I was 12.
5. Even though I was born in CO, and am currently in NM... TX will always be home.  The Lone Star State has my heart!
6. I have a hard time forgiving people.  Once you've hurt me, I will almost never look at you the same way again. 
7. I'm addicted to Pinterest, FB and Instagram
8. I love margaritas.
9. TX Country music is a big passion of mine.
10. I've always wanted a big family.  The hubs wants 2 kids, but I'm thinking more along the lines of 5.
11. I'm not the type to have numerous friends.  I have many acquaintances, but I value close friendships with 3-4 people.
12. I'm a reality tv junky.  I could watch marathons of Honey boo-boo, Jersey Shore, The Kardashians, and Teen Mom all day long.  Real World and Road Rules were the shiz!!!
13. I have a weird thing with the number 11, and odd numbers in general.  If something needs to be microwaved it's usally done for 17 seconds.  I continue checking it until it's done. 
14. My house is always tidy, but my car never is.  Seriously.  It's always dirty... and there are always random sticky notes all over the place
15. I love to bake and cook.  And I'm good at it!
16. I am pretty much always early when we go anywhere.  If I'm on time, I'm late.
17. Holidays make me happy.  I love any excuse to plan big meals with family.  And I love holiday decorating!
18. Even though we're not, I live like we're broke.  Always.  Call me frugal, or call me crazy.  But I'm just always worried something will happen and we won't have the money to cover it.
19. I'm obsessed with our dogs... more so Annie.  I treat her like she's my baby.  I miss her during the day and often wonder what she's doing when I'm not there. 
20. When doing the laundry, I absolutely hate it when Graham's socks are crumbled up or inside out.  Weird pet peeve I know, but I hate turning them right side out.  Just take them off that way!

Describe 3 legitimate fears you have and explain how they became fears
1. Losing loved ones
2. Not being able to start a family
3. The economy
-No explanation necessary really, just fears I have!

Describe your relationship with your spouse.
We were just made for each other.  We're both fun-loving, happy people.  We enjoy all the same things and pretty much have the same mind-set on most issues.  We know what the other is thinking without having to ask.  We both do our best to make the other feel supported, respected, loved, trusted, and just overall cared for.  He's so patient with teaching me new things.  I couldn't imagine ever meeting someone more perfect.   

List 10 things you would tell your 18 year-old self, if you could.
Disclaimer - This one was actually supposed to be for your 16 year-old self, but I didn't have a care in the world at that time.  I needed my pep talk at 18.

1. Save your money!
2. It is a good thing that your parents are splitting up.
3. Be nice to your mama, she'd do anything for you.
4. You won't marry that loser you're dating right now, don't take that relationship so serious.
5. Pay your bills on time, it's going to ruin your credit and you will spend years getting it all straitened out!
6. Learn to love a healthy lifestyle now.  It never gets easier trying to lose the weight.
7. Plan on going to college.  You'll never go later.  Go immediately after high school.
8. Let go of the resentment you have for your dad.  He will never change, and holding on to the bitterness, anger, and pain will only hurt you.
9. Spend time with your friends!  You spend so much time with a boy that will never be part of your future.  You'll forget what it's like to actually have girlfriends in your adult life.
10.You will meet a man in your 20's that will steal your heart.  He will be the best thing that ever happens to you.

What are the 5 things that make you most happy right now?
1. My Husband
2. My dogs
3. Buying a house
4. Getting to see Ayanna at the end of this month for her birthday
5. Chocolate =)

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