Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Phil Hamilton Concert

One of the hardest things about living in NM is the lack of good music.  Yes, we have radio stations that play the crap mainstream country music, but our passion lies in some good ol' Texas Country / Red Dirt music... there's just nothing like it.

Once in a blue moon a few of our favorite bands will play some shows in towns that are pretty close, but we normally have to make the 2 1/2 hour trip to Lubbock (TX) to catch some good live music. 

I'd heard that Kyle Bennett and Phil Hamilton would be playing at the new nightclub in Roswell, but we are in money-saving-mode, so I didn't even think twice about wanting to go.  Friday afternoon I came home after work and while scrolling through my FB feed, I noticed that the local country station would be giving away some tickets on air to the 7th caller when they played a certain Kyle Bennett song. 

I literally turned on the radio to hear the station's infamous commercial for their "red dirt dig", which they announce before they play a red dirt song about once an hour.  It just happened to be the Kyle Bennett song they had mentioned to be listening for on FB.  I quickly called the station to find out I was caller 7.  I had just scored us some tix to check out the show!   

After being so busy with all the house stuff, it was so nice to get out and spend some much needed time with the hubs.  Phil Hamilton was absolutely awesome and has such an amazing voice.  I'd give anything to see him in an acoustic setting. 

In all honesty, we aren't big Kyle Bennett fans, so we didn't even stay to hear him play.  He has like one song that I like and I'm not sure Graham even liked any of his.  We knew we had an hour drive to get back home, so neither of us really cared to stay to hear someone we didn't care for.

We also found out that one of our favorites, Wade Bowen will be playing there in October.  We'll definitely be back for that! 


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