Wednesday, February 26, 2014

18 Weeks!

Baby Guy
*Size of a bell pepper
*Roughly 5.5 inches
*Weighs almost 7 ounces
*154 days to go!
Hello month 5!  As of yesterday, I am officially 18 weeks along and am feeling pretty great.  I've had minimal nausea and continue to have a pretty decent amount of energy to get me through the day.  I've been told to take advantage of it now - it won't be that way in another 10 weeks or so.
I have been experiencing swelling in my lower legs, feet and mostly ankles.  Wearing boots is pretty much out of the question at this point, which is really weird for me, because it's all I normally wear.  Luckily it's getting warmer, which means I'll be able to live (comfortably) in sandals and flip flops.  That may be the only good thing about being prego in the hot summer time!!  I ordered a couple of pairs of Sanuk sandals and flip flops to help get me through the next couple of months.  I have had one pair of their sandals for a few months and I am absolutely loving them.  They're so lightweight and are loose around my swollen ankles.  I've always made fun of my sister for having cankles... and wouldn't you know I'm getting a little bit of payback on that! 
I've also been experiencing some pain between my legs and backside area, especially after taking an afternoon walk.  I asked my dr about it yesterday during my checkup and he said it's very common.  I guess it's just my body getting ready to have this sweet baby pass on through!  I just thought it seemed early that it was already happening...
My appt went great yesterday... short and sweet!  I had some blood work done and got to listen to baby's heartbeat again.  The dr said he/she is probably laying on it's back, facing up; since it took a little bit to pin point it's little heart, so we could listen.  Dr. said everything was going great and that I'd only gained 4lbs, which was pretty perfect for how far along I am. 
Our next appt is scheduled for March 25th and it will include an ultrasound.  We're just praying that baby will cooperate and we'll be able to find out the gender.  We're still debating whether or not we want to have a gender reveal party for our friends and family.  April will be a busy month with Easter, spring break, and my birthday... so we're unsure at the moment.  Heck I'm still praying that the next ultrasound will show twins.  Hey... a girl can dream!!!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

17 Weeks!

Baby Guy
*Size of an onion
*Roughly 5.1 inches
*Weighs about 5.9 ounces
161 days to go!
Whew!  To put it lightly, this has been one hell of a week.  My Daddy went to his home in heaven on Saturday, the 8th and every day after has just rolled right into the next.  Even though I hadn't been close to him in a few years, he finally apologized to me around Christmas and I had fully let everything go to begin the process of healing and forgiving.  So needless to say, him leaving has taken quite a toll on me.  I'll write a post more about him and our relationship another time...
While grieving I just didn't feel like writing an update for week 16, but I'm back on the ball now!  I first felt baby's kicks/movements the night daddy passed away.  I was extremely upset and I think I was stressing baby out, since the baby was only making it's presence known while I was crying.  I've made it a point to try to keep it together so I won't stress baby out anymore.
I haven't made any new decisions/purchases for baby in the last couple of weeks.  We are in the process of getting some major debt paid off so that we will be ready financially for our little bundle of joy.  My sweet little car is paid off, but I'm debating whether or not I want to get something a little more convenient for strollers, carseats and the like - hatchbacks only have so much room!  I really want to be able to pay cash for our next vehicle, which would mean we'd have to continue saving for another year or so.  So many decisions to be made!
Please continue to keep my family and Baby Guy in your prayers.  I've been battling some anxiety and am obviously still grieving!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

15 Weeks!

Baby Guy
*Size of an apple
*Roughly 4 inches from crown to rump
*Weighs approx. 2.5 oz
*175 days to go!
As of today I'm (finally) 15 weeks.  I say "finally" because I thought that's where I was when we went to our ultrasound appointment last week, only to find out that they would be pushing my due date back.  After talking to one of the ladies in our church's home group, I'm pretty much at peace in knowing that this baby is just gonna come when it's ready.  And no stinkin' due date is going to be able to say when that will happen!  She said that with both of her babies, the dr's changed her due date, one by as much as 3 weeks, and wouldn't ya know it... her baby was born 3 weeks early. 
My second trimester is going great so far.  I'm not nearly as tired as I was during the first and my appetite is definitely back, but I'm not sure if that's a good thing!  I have noticed some swelling in my feet and ankles, as well as more frequent headaches.  I'm just trying to drink lots of water and to get up more frequently at work.  I'm pretty positive my desk job isn't helping with the swelling.
I started a couple of registries, but haven't made them public yet.  I've basically just added some of the items that the gender won't effect it being needed.  I'm just not a big fan of gender neutral clothes, but I'm debating purchasing some of the bigger items in gender neutral tones.  Babies are expensive and I don't want to have to purchase everything again when we try for #2!  Having a registry will also be a great checklist for when we start purchasing the things we'll need. 
The nursery is kind of a smaller room so I'm thinking of lots of ways to make it efficient to store and organize everything we'll need.  We just purchased a new bedroom set (that will be delivered this week - yayyyy!!) for us and we plan on moving the dresser, mirror, and chest that we already had into the babies bedroom.  It's a dark cherry color, so I'm on the hunt for a beautiful crib to match.  The room also has to good sized closets that are side by side, so we shouldn't be lacking for room for baby's clothes.  I just need to get all of my craft and random boxes that I've had piled in there for the last few months moved out...  I'm thinking we'll probably put the chest inside one of the closets to give a little more space in the room itself.  I can't wait to be able to paint and decorate!
I'm undecided as to whether I want to place a changing pad on the dresser or get one of the cribs that has the attached changer on the side, which also means we'd have extra storage underneath.  My mom said that she never even used a changing table, so it makes me wonder if it would be something that I would regret even messing with.  I do like that with the changing table option on the crib the baby would be facing me during each changing, instead of me standing to the side while baby lays on the dresser changer - it seems like it would just be a lot easier to do it that way. 
Please continue to keep us in your prayers!  =)

Monday, February 3, 2014

Mollie's 3rd Birthday

January 31st was Mollie's 3rd Birthday and we celebrated it on Saturday at Yum Yum Yogurt, with her friends and family.  Miss Priss enjoyed eating frozen yogurt, birthday cake, playing hide and seek, and most importantly - opening her presents!


The little ones enjoyed playing hide and seek - even if it just meant that they "hid" underneath the bench in a little room while the other ones counted to 10.  Ready or not, here I come!!!  

Miss Priss hates to have her picture taken - even on her birthday!
We had so much fun getting to spend some time with the family and are looking forward to the next birthday!  Before ya know it we'll be getting to throw parties for our own kids.  Wow... time flies!!!