Monday, August 19, 2013

Demo Weekend

Another weekend has passed, which means we are one day closer to closing on our new home.  Yes, I'm going to continue to talk about it until it's done... it's all that's been on our minds!  Until then, here's a look at our relaxing weekend...

Graham brought home a 2 seater Ranger from the store for his parents to demo for the weekend.  We thought it would be perfect for his mama to have when she needs to go down to the pasture to check on the cows.  Plus, there would be plenty of room for her dogs to tag-along as well.  His mama loved it, but his dad is a hard sell... so we enjoyed getting to play on it the majority of the weekend.  =)


Graham worked til noon and in the mean time, Dani (Graham's sis) and her family decided they wanted to demo a Ranger as well.  They picked out a brand new 5 seater and took it home to compare it to a John Deere Gator. 

While the hubby was working, I got busy mowing the jungle in our yard.  It was fairly cool for an August day in southern NM, which made it bearable.  It took me 2 1/2 hours to mow our complete yard, the weeds outside of the fence, and the weeds that were up to his parents pool.  Looking at the gross blister on my hand, it's obvious to me that I wasn't meant for manual labor.  =)

As soon as I was done mowing, I loaded the girls up and we went for a little cruise on the Ranger.  We rode all over the farm, down to the pasture by the cows, and back up and around to the neighboring farms.  It was so relaxing.  When Graham got home we went again! 

Saturday also happened to be a year since we had our engagement pictures taken on the very same farm.  It's hard to believe it's already been a year!

We hadn't been to church in a few weeks and wanted to sleep in a bit, so we started our morning at church with Reg (Graham's bro) and his family at the late service.  We normally like to go to the earlier service so it feels like we have a longer afternoon at home. 

Afterwards we went to Wal-mart to pick up some groceries for the week.  Once we got home, the fact that our bed is in the living room made it so easy to lay down and take a nap. 

Two hours later we woke up and decided to walk over and visit his parents.  It was like a mini family reunion since all of Graham's fam happened to be over there swimming.  I ended up loading all of the kiddos and our pooches in the Ranger Dani was demo-ing, for one last ride down to the pasture.

Love those kiddos!


We had another great, relaxing weekend on the farm.  This next weekend we'll be heading to God's country (Texas y'all), for my sweet niece, Ayanna's 9th birthday party.  I'm hoping this week flies by, I'm ready to spend some time with my family!

I'll leave you with this picture of my sweet Annie.  Enjoy your week!

Poor baby girl was tuckered out after our weekend!

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