Friday, April 10, 2015

Letters to Joleigh - 9 Months

Sweet baby girl you are already 9 months old.  Time is flying by and we are trying to make the most of each day we have with you.  I take tons of pictures and give you way too many kisses... and I just don't see that changing anytime soon.  =)

I noticed your second bottom tooth coming in on 3/4, so now you have a total of two teeth.  The weather has been great lately and you just love being outside.  I bring a comforter out and put it in the middle of the lawn with some toys for you to play with and you just play and play!  I can't take my eyes off you for two seconds though or you'll be stuffing grass and rocks in your mouth.  Your little chipmunk cheeks do a good job hiding things!
At your 9 month check-up you weighed in at 9lbs 10oz and are 28in tall.  You moved to size 4 diapers on 3/21 and are wearing size 12 month clothes now as well.  I love you dressing you up everyday.  You're such a little cutie pie and are sweet as can be. 
You're very much a Mama's girl and we can't leave you with anyone besides Ms. Mattie or you'll bawl your little eyes out.  I've made it a point to bring you around our families more often so you can start opening up to them but it's definitely been a slow process.  You think it's hilarious when I steal your paci and put it in my mouth - makes you squeal!  You still love bath time and tolerate when I brush your teeth before bed.  You've come to love your "bouncy-bouncy" a lot more over the last couple of weeks, which gives us a little time to get things done around the house.
I've been having a hard time leaving you every day.  Mama would love more than anything to just stay home with you.  I know that I'll never get these days back with you and I just feel like I'm missing out on so much.  I'm praying that God will answer my prayers and I'll be able to spend more time with you.
Love you beauty queen!


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