Tuesday, April 8, 2014

24 Weeks!

Baby Guy
*The length of an ear of corn
*12.5 inches long
112 days to go!
I'm 24 weeks today and have been really enjoying the energy I've had in my second trimester.  We spent the weekend planting plants and flowers in various beds and planters in the yard.  The hardest part was bending over, which makes it kind of hard to breathe at this point.  The weather has been in the mid 70's, so that's made it a lot easier - I doubt I'll be as rambuctious to be outside once we're seeing triple digits on a regular basis in a month or so!  We still have some flowers and a tree to plant in the front yard, as well as plans to buy a few more plants for other beds that we haven't got to yet. 
I've been getting quite a bit of flack for not being "prepared" at this stage, but to be honest I don't plan on purchasing a whole lot until after the baby shower.  There are tons of gadgets and things that companies make you think you need for baby's arrival, but I just don't think our little one is going to care whether I had her nursery done at week 15 or week 39.  The most important thing is that we have the basics covered by the time she arrives.  Besides it's so beautiful outside this time of year that I'd rather enjoy some gardening or 4-wheeler cruising.  I'll have plenty of time in June and July when the summer heat is miserable to stay inside and decorate. 
I had a horrible stomach bug on Friday that had me home hugging the toilet for a day, but other than that I've felt really great.  The swelling in my feet has been a little better for the last 4 days or so and I'm definitely relieved.  My dreams are still crazy and very vivid, and my hormones are raging!  I can feel myself being very snappy, especially with the guys at work, so I'm trying my best to just keep my mouth shut and stay to myself.  Graham said he hasn't really noticed me treating him different, and quite frankly that's all I care about! =)  
Baby girl has been moving tons more and it's to the point that I can feel her numerous times a day.  Graham hasn't been lucky enough to feel any of them yet, but I have a feeling it's coming!  It's such a strange feeling to be working and then all of a sudden feel a tiny little jab just below my belly button - it definitely makes me stop and pay attention!
I'm looking forward to working on the yard more this week and Graham has plans to take me to dinner on Friday night for my birthday.  Life is good!

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