Monday, September 9, 2013

Weekend Re-cap

We are completely moved into the new house and are (slowly) working on getting everything unpacked and put away. We have entirely too much stuff. This house is probably 3 times bigger than our old one and I'm still having a hard time deciding where everything will go. Even though we purged quite a few things while packing, I think we will have to do some more before it's all over with. We'll get there eventually...

After work I picked up Annie and took her with me to the farmhouse so we could get a headstart on getting it all cleaned up. We had been dreading having to go back to finish it up the entire week. LOL! When Graham got off, he went to pick up Tig and the lawn mower to finish the outside of the farmhouse. It didn't take us long, and we were heading back to town to go home for the evening.

For some un-Godly reason I woke up at 4:20am and couldn't go back to sleep. I stayed in bed, browsing pinterest and instagram until Graham woke up around 6:30. We were both so excited to get to sleep in, but our bodies had other plans. Womp, womp, womp!

We got up and went to IHOP for some breakfast, before heading to Walmart and KMart to get some things for the house. Graham got him some ammo and a dove license, while I was shopping away in the garden section. I picked up some mums to plant in planters, the softest sherpa throw I've ever felt, and a Keurig! I'm not a huge coffee drinker, but every now and then I like to relax with a big ol' mug in my hand. I'd wanted one for a long time and Graham told me to just do it... so I did! Graham also ended up getting a tool box for his shop, so he can get all of his tools out of the massive tool box that's meant for a truck, that just sits in our yard. Oh so classy...

We also took Tig to get a microchip put in. Now that we're in town, it's a requirement for our animals to have them. Plus, in the event that they got out of the yard somehow, we have more of a chance that they will be returned safe and sound. I'm pretty sure that Annie already had one, but we need to get our information changed for her as well.

Late that afternoon, Graham met his bff, Jamie at the farm for some dove hunting. He had been itching to get him some birds! I spent the evening curled up on the recliner, with my new blanky, and a mimosa in my hand with my favorite girl. Ahhhhh, it was so relaxing!

We both woke up around 8am after (finally) sleeping in a little bit. We decided to skip church and spent our morning on the back porch drinking coffee. It started getting pretty warm and my belly was growling, so I went in and made us breakfast. I whipped up some pumpkin pancakes with bacon. I couldn't find the recipe I normally use, so we ended up having like 19 freaking pancakes. I just ended up freezing all of the leftovers, hoping that they'll be good for another breakfast soon! We spent the afternoon unpacking a few boxes and just kind of hanging out.

Plans for the week:
I'm hoping we'll get the rest of the stuff unpacked and put up throughout this week. Wednesday we'll be going to Reg and Staci's for our church's circle group meeting that will be held at their house this week. Friday is homecoming in Artesia and I plan on making Graham take me to the game. On Saturday a few of us are going to get together at my house for some crafting fun. I need to make a halloween wreath, but I'm not sure what they'll be bringing to work on. Crafts, food, and drinks... we're going to have a blast!

Enjoy your week!

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