Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Gettin' Back At It - WIW

I've been a little MIA lately in the bloggin' world.  Heck who am I kidding; I've been a little MIA lately in life.  I've had the I don't want to's... BAD!   

I've definitely been struggling staying in weight-loss mode.  Truth be told, before this week I hadn't even taken a walk since 5/1.  I know that because my trusty MapMyWalk app told me so.  Odd thing, it's only trusty when I actually use it.  Hmmm, who would of thought?  =)  As you're probably already guessing, I also haven't been logging my food, which has thrown me into a whirlwind of eating everything in sight.  It's not pretty people. 

I had gotten down to 215 in the middle of April and it was like I just gave up.  I kept looking at how far I still had to go and wasn't even proud of how far I'd come.  Losing 34lbs didn't come easy!  I think I just got overwhelmed with it all.  Sitting at 223 (and some change) today I know that I've just gotta get back at it. I'm still determied to lose the weight and be healthy.  We don't wanna wait forever to start trying for our own lil baby Guy!  =)

On a positive note, I walked a mile both Tues. and Wed. this week.  I bout' died I might add... temps were in the mid 80's when I left off in April and now they're hovering around 100.  This summer heat is gonna kill me!  I'm going to continue walking about a mile a day this week and bump it up to 2 miles a day next week.  I had to basically start over with my workouts.  I've lost nearly all of my stamina. 

I also started logging all of my food again.  I was getting really bored with the menu I was eatin', so I'm making it a point to watch portion sizes more than anything this time around.  If I deprive myself from something it only makes me want it that much more.  It's hard to put an end to that cycle, but I'm gonna try!

The bloggin' world has been doing the whole "Weigh In Wednesday" thing forever, but I was always to chicken to post my numbers for the whole wide world to see.  Maybe, just maybe, it'll be the kick I need to keep on truckin' along.     

January 5, 2013  = 249
Today, June 19th = 223.6


  1. Girl I'm proud of you!! We all have set backs and lord knows you know mine!!! But you will see ONEderland soon enough! I'll be there every step of the way with you!!! I'm proud of you for posting this!!! You've got guts girl!!! Keep up all the awesome work! You inspire me!!!

    1. I just saw this! Thanks so much for all your support girl. You're very much appreciated! =)
