Monday, April 22, 2013

Crappy Week, Chocolate Wasted, & Reunions

Last week was the weirdest week I've had mentally so far this year.  I had no desire to work out and definitely no desire to keep track of what I was shoving in my pie-hole.  Which is why I spent most of the week chocolate wasted on cake.  I walked a mile last week.  That's it.  I only did that because I was frustrated at work and needed to get out and take a breather.  It was crazy windy Monday-Wednesday so instead of working out inside, I plopped my butt on the couch.  Awesome.  Which is why I'm up 3lbs from the week before. 

Binge eating has always been a problem for me.  I imagine it's something I'll always have to face, but I'm trying to learn how to prevent a binge before it happens.  Once it's started, Lord have mercy...

I'm not really sure why I was in such a funk, but I'm determined to not let this week be another repeat.  I'm starting to feel really good about my weight loss and I just want to see the finished project, so to speak.

Re-cap for the week -

A couple good friends I used to work with at Halliburton, when I lived in Hobbs, were in town for some training and I got to have lunch with them on Tuesday.  I saw Kathy last year at my bridal shower, but I hadn't been able to see Veronica since I moved almost 2 years ago.  I needed that visit with them.  Kathy is moving to San Antonio (lucky brat), so this will be last time I see her until I make a trip to Sea World again!


'03 Class Reunions
This year marks 10 years since Graham and I graduated high school (we didn't go to the same school though).  Even though most of our classmates are mutual FB friends, it's also been 10 years since we've seen any of them face to face.  Graham's reunion has been in the works since like last summer and we received a letter in the mail about it last week.  It's set for the end of June.  Graham doesn't really care to attend, but I think he should think about it at least! 

I graduated with an extremely small class.  I'm talkin' like 18 people y'all!  I've been messaging a few of the ladies to try to find out if a reunion was in the works, but there wasn't.  I've decided to put together a little reunion in June for those of us that would like to reconnect.  Since we waited to til the last possible minute and since there aren't that many of us, I think it would be fun to all meet for dinner in Lubbock (close to where we grew up) and then go out together after.  I've had a good response from the majority of the class and I'm hoping to get the date finalized soon. 

Saturday -
Graham was off that day so we spent most of the day in Roswell getting some things done that we'd been putting off.  My poor little car was running on some bald tires, so we got some new ones.  Also got the oil changed since there aren't any quick lube places in our town.  We did some shopping and of course some eating!


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