Thursday, March 28, 2013

Chasin' Graham & MapMyWalk

  Let me start this by saying when I decided at the beginning of the year I wanted to work on my health it was in no way a "New Years Resolution".  I think they're pointless!  The Biggest Loser Competition I started with the Halliburton guys happened to start on January 5th and I thought, why not?  Graham had also gained a bit of weight in the last year or so and he decided he wanted to start eating healthier too. 

When we started I weighed 15lbs more than he did.  I knew I weighed more, but what woman is comfortable weighing more than her man?  I sure as hell am not!  So not only was I wanting to lose weight, one of my main goals was to weigh less than him.

Over the course of 3 months I have logged every bit of food I eat and every workout I've done (I'll get to how and where in a minute) and Graham... well let's just say he cut back on his cokes and beer consumption.  That's pretty much it.  I measure his food on his plate every night... and then he goes and get's a second helping.  So he pretty much hasn't made much of a dent in his eating habits.  He is drinking more water though, I'll give him that.  He lost a good 14lbs just doing those things. 

So last Friday I weighed in for the week and I was 1 lb above him. 1 freaking pound!!!  We got home from our little Lubbock trip on Sunday and either he ate something bad or contracted one hell of a stomach bug, but that boy was sick!!  We both weighed Tuesday morning and I'll be damned if he hadn't dropped another 6 pounds.  Once again.. I am chasing him.  I will weigh less than him.. but today isn't the day!  =)

I started using the MapMyWalk fitness app back in January when I started this journey.  It's absolutely awesome.  I love it!

I log every bit of food and drink that I put in my body, every single day.  It helps me keep track of my calories/fats/proteins/carbs that I take in.  When I know I only have a few calories allowed remaining for that day it helps me pay attention to whether or not I'm actually hungry or just bored.  On most days I won't eat what I call the "extra" calories that are still available.  I guess they aren't really "extra", because it's the amount I'm allowed based on my weight, but if I'm not hungry I just don't consume them.  As I lose weight, the amount of calories (etc.) I'm allowed to have on a daily basis drops.  If I remember right, the calories you're allowed are based on a 2lb a week defecit.

Yeah I still eat crap that I know shouldn't (hence the red lines on the pic above), but if I eat 3000 calories that day... I log it!  This is a journey, not a diet.  Yes I have monthly goals I intend to reach, but I don't do it by eating things that won't help me keep the weight off in the long run.  I'm trying to teach my body how to eat again.  When I'm at home I measure all of my food on my sweet Biggest Loser Scale to keep me accountable to only eat healthy portions.  I still go out to eat, but I'm learning to eyeball how much exactly I can eat a lot better and I pay attention to my body.  There will always be family get-togethers, out-of-town trips, and days that I just want a greasy ol' cheeseburger, and that's ok. 

I think part of my biggest problem my whole life is thinking that there are foods I just can't have if I want to be 'skinny' - which is not my goal at all, by the way.  The important thing is to eat in moderation.  I have however learned that I tend to pay better attention to what splurges I'm allowing myself more often.  There are certain things I just love and there are certain things that taste good but it honestly wouldn't bother me if I never wasted another calorie on them again.   Most of the time I know when I'm going out of town, or will be eating out with people and I usually eat less a few days before to allow myself a little more on those days. 

Food makes me happy, it just does.  One day I hope to change my mindset more on that, but for now it helps me to keep my sanity when I allow myself to eat what most would consider 'forbidden' on their "diets" every now and then. It's all how you balance yourself!  Again - this is a journey, not a diet.  I'm just taking it all day by day. 

The app also allows me to log all of my workouts.  It  shows total calories burned during each session, but I don't wear a heart rate monitor or anything, so I take that data with a grain of salt.  I focus on how long it takes me to run/walk those miles and use it as a tool to push me harder.  Lately, the wind has been pushing back and I'm not getting them done as fast as I was, but that's just added resistance.  =)

I can even go online and see how many miles I'm averaging a month... and before I know it, a year!!  I'm not fast by any means, I'm not striving to be at this point.  I am making progress though and that means more to me than anything!

My honey and I have 3 days off and we plan to get in some good 4-wheeler time together.  We'll be spending Easter with Graham's family this year and we're excited to see the kiddos hunt eggs.  Should be a good freaking weekend, hope it is for y'all too!!

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