Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Packin' My Life Away

I actually started packing some of our things back in May when we first decided to buy a house.  I purposely packed all of my scentsy stuff together so it would be easy to find at the new place and so I could make the place smell like home even faster.  Weird I'm sure, but I love the stuff. 

We spent most of the weekend moving the boxes I'd packed through out the week.  By "we", I mean Graham and Jamie.  I moved all the time as a kid (and adult) and though it sucked at the time, I've gained some definite experience when it comes to packing.  

Graham's mom told me that his style of packing/moving is just throwing things in the back of the truck in garbage bags, so I knew then that I'd have to take control of that situation!  Haha!    

I write all of the contents on the outside of each box, along with the name of the room they need to be moved to.  The room they need to be in isn't as important while we move into the farm house, since we only plan on being there a few months and won't be unpacking everything, or doing much decorating for that matter.  It will come in handy when we finally close on a new place though!   

Having a little extra time to move has also come in handy when it comes to purging the stuff we haven't used in years a while.  I've managed to sell quite a bit of it on the town's FB page, but whatever we don't get rid of there, I'll try to get rid of in a yard sale.  I'm hoping to talk my SIL and her sis into having a joint one, since her sis will also be moving this summer.

Since we are planning on buying new living room furniture, we decided to go ahead and sell the set I've had for 9+ years.  Those couches have definitely seen better days.  We figured if we could get them sold before we had to move, it would be one less thing we'd have to deal with.  I posted them on FB yesterday morning, and by the 5:30pm they were being carried out of the house.  We're gonna live like broke college kids with only a futon for a while.  I'm actually kind of excited about it!  

We took the "kids" to the farm house so they could check out their new stomping grounds and get a feel for the place.  To say they absolutely loved it would be an understatement.  They ran circles around that fully fenced yard and even got to meet the neighbor dogs (Graham's parents live next door).  Tig wore herself out and had to cool down while Graham was watering the trees.  She's too cute. 

As much as I can't wait to buy our first home and get settled, I know the dogs are going to miss having that huge yard to roam around in, and we're gonna miss the beautiful view of the hay fields while sitting on that darling front porch. 

As expected, our lives are still pretty chaotic at the moment, but we're both very excited to see what God has in store for us.  More importantly, we both feel so blessed to have each other during this crazy time. 

God definitely always has a bigger plan...

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