Wednesday, October 9, 2013

New Couches!

We sold our old couches back in July when we were getting ready to leave the company house to move into the farm house by Graham's parents.  My idea was that it would be easier to just go ahead and get rid of them, so that we wouldn't have to move them twice, especially since we were planning on getting new ones for the new house.  So we lived like broke college kids on our old futon for the time being.

Fast forward to the week we closed on our house... we went in to one of the local furniture stores and fell in love with a reclining set and immediately knew it was the one we wanted.  Wouldn't you know they had just sold that set the day before and they would be delivering it later that afternoon to it's new owners?  Story of my life.  I went back in every day for a few days, just trying to find something else that I thought would work.  I seriously think I had a harder time deciding on our furniture than I did deciding on the house we would buy!

We decided to just go ahead and order the set that we knew we loved, even though we'd have to wait 6-8 weeks to get it home.  We waited... and waited... and waited some more; trying to be as patient as possible.  I finally got the call yesterday that they had come in and could be delivered that afternoon.  I was so excited!

Though it sucked at the time, they were definitely worth the wait.  They look great and complete our livingroom perfectly.  I'm sure this post might seem silly to some, but we saved for a really long time for our house and our new furniture... and it's all finally coming together.  I'm so proud of our new home!


We're going to keep that old futon for a little while longer and we put it in the second bedroom.  It's Tig's favorite place to sleep and I think she's enjoying having her "own room"... at least until it's time for a nursery.  =)

I'll leave you with this gorgeous sunrise I saw coming to work this morning.  God is good!

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