Friday, May 3, 2013

All Over The Place

As the title of this post states, I have been "All Over The Place".  Not physically, because quite frankly we haven't been doing much of anything, but mentally.  It seems like my mind has been all over the place lately and it's definitely going to show with this post.  You've been warned!  =)

I'll start by saying that Graham and I are about to have some big changes happening in our lives.  I'm not going to share exactly what that means for the time being.  Partly because I want to keep you guessing, but mostly because we're not sure how it's all going to play out just yet.  When we know, you'll know. 

Thanks to said 'changes', I've gone from being ecstatic, to worried, to everything in between.  I decided to look up a few bible verses to try to help ease my mind and this was the first one I came across.  I truly believe God intended it that way...

A few months ago we were listening to some prime country on Sirius and an old Mark Chesnutt song came on.  We were both wondering if he still did any touring and saying how awesome it would be to see him one day.  I looked up his website and was totally excited to see that not only was he still touring, but he was coming to Artesia in June!  He'll be here for the annual "Smokin' On The Pecos" bbq event.  I ordered our tickets immediately and was pretty excited to get those puppies in the mail earlier this week.  We both love us some 90's country and are excited to check him out in a few months. 

April was a month of plateaus in my weight loss journey.  I lost a total of 3lbs and hovered from 3-6lbs the entire month.  I had a really hard time staying focused and ate crap foods more times than I can count.  I will say I'm down a total of 33lbs, which has been a struggle for sure. 

I walked/jogged a total of 41 miles for the month with a total of 17 workouts.  I know I could've done better and am determined to not let May be another month of plateaus.  I'm going to shoot for 6 days a week, with a minimum of 5.  I also started a 30 day squat challenge I found online about a week ago and am up to doing 100+ squats a day. 

Mother nature has apparently forgotten that we are in May now, but hopefully it'll be getting back up in the 80's and 90's soon.  I just feel like I work out harder when it's warm out.  It makes me feel good when I get home and I'm a big ball o' sweat!

Even though I didn't achieve the number I was hoping for April; I am proud to say I've walked/jogged 160 miles this year.  That's 160 miles worth of me not having my butt stuck to the couch. Yay!!!

On a sad note, our little kitty-kitties have been MIA lately.  Ruger's been gone for a little over a month and we haven't seen Savage in about 2 weeks.  Little Rossi-girl is hella-preggo and we were excited to be getting some new babies, but we haven't seen her in a few days now.  I'm just hoping she's gone off somewhere to have her lil ones.  I still leave food out for them, but it hasn't been touched lately.  I try not to get too attached since there are so many coyotes out here, but it's hard.  I want my babies back!

As of now we don't have any plans for the weekend.  I plan on getting a 4-5 mile walk in tomorrow morning.  Graham never knows if he has to work the weekend until late Friday afternoon, but I'm hoping we'll get to get some quality 4-wheeler time together sometime.  We both definitely need it!



  1. Girl you are on fiiiyyyyaaa!!!!!
    Keep up the awesome work!!! You have put in some crazy mileage!! I'm so proud of you!!!! ;)
    I hope your kitties come home soon!! We have a few but their indoor and I don't know what I'd do if they ran away or something worse!!!
    As for the'll all work out the way God has it planned for y'all!! Just trust in him and it'll all be ok!! I know it can be frustrating and've just got to go with the flow!!

    1. Thank ya my dear! I'm trying to stay focused, I really am. As you know, it can just be hard sometimes!

      So true! If it's meant to be, God will make it happen. I just pray that my plans and his align the same way! I'm trying to be ok with whatever happens though.
