Monday, December 2, 2013

Thanksgiving 2013

Well hey y'all!  It's been a few weeks since I've blogged and I've got to say that I'm ok with it.  We just haven't been doing a whole lot lately and I haven't felt the need to document it either.  #sorrynotsorry 
I will say that the upcoming months seem like they will be bringing plenty to talk about.
Now for Thanksgiving...
On Wednesday my Texas family came down to spend a few nights with us.  We went to one of our fav little hole-in-the-wall restaurants for prime rib night and then came home and played a little 5 Second Rule.  I seriously can't remember the last time we all played games together.  Hell it may have been a first. 
Thursday I woke up to find every single cabinet door in my kitchen wide open.  I asked Graham what the hell had happened and I got the deer in the headlights look.  Then I hear my sister in the livingroom giggling while trying to fake sleep on the air mattress I splurged on for their visit.  Well played Kelly, well played. 
Kelly had planned on taking her family to Roswell to visit with our Dad for a while, but when she called he said that he wasn't really up for visitors and that he would call her back if he started feeling better.  In all honesty, I probably should've made it a point to try to go see him too, since his organs are beginning to shut down.  That's a story for another day though...
We ended up making a breakfast of green chile eggs, bacon, and biscuits instead of getting started on the Thanksgiving feast and decided we'd have it at dinner.  I spent the afternoon cooking up a storm and by the time it was finally time to eat it, we were all pretty much just over it and barely touched our plates.
At some point down the road I'll share the whole reason as to why our evening turned out the way it did, but I just can't at this point.  Needless to say, my sweet husband had entirely too much to drink, puked all over the pretty bushes in the backyard, and only took one bite out of a roll after I had spent hours cooking a huge freaking meal.  I was not happy.  I'm sure one day we'll laugh about it... but today ain't the day.    

Overall it was an awesome family get-together.  It was the first time my Mama had seen our new house and it was great to spend some time with some of my most favorite people!  We also built our first fire in our fireplace and I'm just excited we didn't burn the place down.  Hallelujah!



Tuesday, November 12, 2013


After much deliberation, I've decided to try my hand at selling Scentsy products.  I've been addicted to their burners and scents for the past couple of years and I honestly have no idea why I hadn't thought about getting involved before!

I'm not looking to make a ton of money in commissions, because quite honestly there are tons of consultants in my little bitty town.  I think more than anything I'm just excited to get a little discount to fund my own habit.  This may or may not be a good thing for our bank accounts y'all!  :)

With the holidays in full swing, feel free to browse my Scentsy site to find the scents to fill your home with the smells of the season!  The burners also make great Christmas gifts too.

Scentsy Independent Consultant

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

So What! Wednesday

I'm linking up with Life After I Dew to say 'So What!'.

- So what if I've been complaining that the air conditioner is broken at work.  Yes I know it's November, but, the office thermostat says it's 78 in here.  I'm not happy when I'm hot... fix it please!

- So what if I'm a crazy dog-mom.  I full on cried when we left Annie at my SIL's over the weekend when we were heading to the mountains.  I am crazy attached to her and I don't care who knows it!  That little girl has my heart!

- So what if I'm considering breaking the tradition of seeing both sides of our families on the actual holiday this year.  All of Graham's family lives in town and it makes it easy to see them at once, but mine are scattered all over the place... and I want to see them too!  I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings, but I'm thinking of having Thanksgiving with my family only and Christmas with his family only.  I hate having to run around and being in a rush.  The holidays are for relaxing!

- So what if we spent wayyyyy more than we planned while we were out of town last weekend.  Those two cowhides were calling my name!

- So what if we're probably not going to have a housewarming party.  We were waiting for our couches to come in and now that they have the weekends are filling up quickly with birthdays, holiday parties, and shopping.  I just kind of don't want to mess with it!

- So what if our AC at home has been acting up and when the repair men came to look at it, it ended up that we needed a thermostat.  $322 later and our home is nice and cool again!

- So what if I've been absolutely craving a karaoke night.  Please someone take me!!!

Monday, November 4, 2013

Weekend Mountain Getaway

After a week that seemed like it would never end, my honey and I were finally free to head to the mountains for the weekend. We'd booked our trip about a month ago at our favorite cabins in Ruidoso at Forest Home Cabins, just a few hours away. We'd stayed there once before, back in 2011 right after we moved in together. We were even able to get the same cabin as before: The Sherwood Castle.

We checked in right at 7pm, unloaded our luggage, and headed back to town to grab a quick bite to eat at Schlotzsky's - they seriously have the BEST sandwiches! We picked up a few bottles of Arbor Mist (didn't y'all know I was fancy???) and retreated back to our cabin for a little R&R. 
It was awesome to be able to see our guest book entry from our stay nearly two years ago.  =)

We woke up bright and early Saturday morning to head to the Blue Lotus Day Spa for our couples massage.  Let me just say that we had a really hard time deciding whether we wanted to splurge and spend that extra money on something so expensive, but after that 90 minutes of absolute heaven, I'd do it again in a heartbeat.  I'm so glad we went through with it!

Afterwards, we went back to the cabin to get showered and ready for our day of shopping and eating.  We had lunch at Cattle Baron, then spent the rest of the afternoon shopping downtown.  Ruidoso has some neat little stores and it makes it fun to spend a day just walking around.  Our favorite store by far is Rustic Expressions - they have beautiful rustic decor including furniture, cowhides, and antler chandeliers.  Gorgeous stuff y'all! 


Just hangin' out with my kin folk.
We also stopped by the pet store, "No Bones About It" to pick up the kids some new collars and treats.  Tig looked so pretty in her new Christmas necklace too!


Even though we aren't expecting, it took all I had to walk away from this beautiful vintage crib.  I want one just like it when it's time for us to have our little 'Guy'.

We spent the rest of the afternoon/evening drinking at Lucy's Cantina.

The pina-rita.  The perfect combination of pina colada and margarita.
If only they were real...
 {Autumn is a second spring where every leaf is a flower.} - Albert Camus
I guess they didn't get the 'No Trespassing' memo...
We had a wonderful weekend and we're so thankful that we were able to get away and spend some quality time together. 

*Special thanks to Reg and Staci for watching our babies while we were out of town and for not making fun of me (too much) for crying when I said bye to Annie.  Yes, yes I am that dog-mom.  #sorrynotsorry


I came to work on Friday morning ready to get my Halloween post written, but the Blogger site wouldn't come up.  I thought it had been blocked (eek!) but it's working fine this morning.  Fingers crossed it stays that way...

After work on Thursday I got busy baking chocolate chip and sugar cookies for the kids that visited us that we knew.  I had plenty of candy for them too, no one left disappointed.  =)  Danny (bro), Amy (SIL), and Travis (nephew) came over to help Graham grill up some burgers and help me greet the trick-or-treaters.  We'd been excited and looking forward to Halloween since we put an offer in on our house!


Graham's whole family came over around 7:30, once the kids had about all of the trick-or-treating they could stand.  I loved seeing them all hopped up on sugar... I'm not sure the parents were as excited as I was.  The kids all looked great in their costumes.  Our first Halloween in town was a success!

My friend, Vivi's pretty girls - Alexa and Anisa

Jackson & Jaylon are just too much together!
Gracen was a pretty little witch!
Miss Mollie the pirate.